Introducing Dashboards: A Way To Help Organize Workflow In Research & ETF Portfolio Backtesting

We have added Dashboards as a new feature to the website so that subscribers can easily view multiple models and/or markets in one place.

Dashboards can be used in numerous different ways, including:

  • to view market activity from various angles with a mixture of several different models
  • to look at one model applied to several different ETFs / markets
  • to monitor different variations of a single model

etc etc.

Most importantly, you have the choice of how to set up your own personal dashboard(s).

To create a dashboard:

  1. From 'My Account' in the top menu, choose 'My Dashboards'
  2. Click 'Add Dashboard' button in the top right corner, enter a name and click save
  3. A dashboard with 6 empty windows will now appear
  4. Click the 'Add Item' button in top right corner of one of the empty windows
  5. Choose between:
    1. 'Screener'
    2. 'Ranks'
    3. 'Ratio Chart'
    4. 'MA Chart'
    5. 'MA List'
    6. 'Channel Chart'
  6. Enter the rest of the required details, click 'Save' and the desired chart or table will appear in the window.
  7. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 for the other empty windows, up to a total of 6 per dashboard
  8. Items can be edited / removed by clicking 'Edit Item' in the top right corner of the required window
  9. The 'through' date can be changed via the calendar control in the top left corner

The video below demonstrates one way to use ETFreplay Dashboards:


to expand video on screen, click the 'expanding arrows' icon in the bottom right corner of the video screen


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