through: Mar 25, 2025

Recent ETF Additions - ETFreplay

Below is a list of the Exchange Traded Funds most recently added to ETFreplay. In order to maintain a clean database that delivers accurate backtest results, we only add ETFs that trade sufficient volume. The closing price of a thinly traded ETF often does not accurately reflect the return of the underlying index. As ETFreplay was primarily built for quantitative analysis, we believe such a discerning approach is necessary. #

ETF Name Assets * 1-Day Rtn Year-To-Date Return 2024 2023 2022

U.S. Equity Index ETFs

AVLV Avantis U.S. Large Cap Value ETF N/A +0.1%
+17.5% +17.4% -5.5%
COWG Pacer US Large Cap Cows Growth N/A +0.2%
+35.0% +20.7% N/A
ROE Astoria US Equity Weight Quality Kings N/A -0.1%
+18.3% N/A N/A
SDVD FT Vest SMID Rising Div Achievers Tgt Inc N/A +0.1%
+11.2% N/A N/A

International Equity

DDWM WisdomTree Dynamic Currency Hedged Intl Eq N/A +0.5%
+10.7% +15.2% -0.8%
QTUM Defiance Quantum ETF $905 +0.1%
+50.5% +39.9% -28.8%

U.S. Treasury Bonds/TIPS

BUCK Simplify Treasury Option Income ETF N/A +0.1%
+7.2% +4.6% N/A
CSHI NEOS Enhanced Income 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF N/A +0.0%
+5.7% +6.2% N/A

Corporate/Credit Bonds

CGMS Capital Group U.S. Multi-Sector Income ETF N/A +0.0%
+7.2% +11.5% N/A
CLOI VanEck CLO ETF N/A +0.0%
+8.3% +8.9% N/A
CLOZ Eldridge BBB-B CLO ETF N/A -0.1%
+11.8% N/A N/A
EVLN Eaton Vance Floating-Rate ETF N/A +0.0%
HYGV FlexShares High Yield Value-Scored Bond N/A -0.1%
+8.0% +12.1% -12.6%
PYLD PIMCO Multisector Bond Active ETF N/A +0.2%
+7.2% N/A N/A

Quasi-Equity: REITs, Preferreds, MLPs etc

RSST Return Stacked US SM FRT ETF $268 +1.2%
+18.4% N/A N/A
XUSP Innovator SP500 Uncapped Accelerated ETF N/A +0.3%
+30.6% +26.5% N/A

US Sectors

BAI iShares AI Innovation Tech ETF N/A +0.0%
NUKZ Range Nuclear Renaissance ETF N/A -2.3%

Derivatives - Leveraged and Volatility Products

BITX +2x Bitcoin Strategy ETF N/A -0.3%
+162.9% N/A N/A
TSMX +2x Direxion Daily TSM Bull 2x ETF $104 -0.1%
All returns are Total Return: calculated using market prices and include any dividends

# Though these ETFs have been judged to meet the minimum criteria for inclusion, users should, as always, be skeptical of results that are derived during the early (illiquid) life of a given ETF.

* Total Net Assets (million) as of end Jan-2025