Analysis & Backtesting Tools for ETF Investors is a research, analysis and backtesting website for Exchange Traded Funds. ETFreplay’s tools are designed to allow investors to find, test and pursue a robust and repeatable process for gaining exposure to up-trends while avoiding large drawdowns.

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ETF Moving Average Backtest Substitute Function

We have added a 'Substitute' function to the ETF Moving Average and Channel backtests. Clicking 'Substitute' allows subscribers to specify a different / replacement security for the actual trades.

Regime Change 60-40 Allocation Example

In 2016 we wrote a blog post with an example that employed a simple credit spread style ratio (HYG / IEI) as a regime indicator to switch between aggressive and defensive 60- 40 allocations. When the High Yield / ...

Combining a Regime Switch with Sector ETF investing

The performance of different industrial groups will vary over the course of the business cycle. Consequently, it makes sense that sector allocations be revised when there is a change in the prevailing regime.

Using RS Composite to avoid parameter value misfortune

With any parameter based model the risk always exists that a single particular value will underperform in the future, even though it performed well in backtests. Below is the Parameter Summary of a Relative Stren ...